Creative inspiration / distraction with the kids #stayathome

Since we have been asked to #stayathome due to the global coronavirus pandemic, I have been feeling as though creating my artwork doesn’t really matter in the scheme of the world, that it is not essential and actually that it is really kind of selfish and indulgent. It is also a difficult time for me to carve out time for art as I have 2 kids (4 & 7) who are now learning from home, and at night I’m trying to do some graphic design work to help put food on the table. I have been feeling low, helpless and miserable from spending too much time on Twitter and reading too much news. It just makes me grumpy! It seems silly that it wasn’t obvious to me at first, but I have only just realised through helping my kids with their school work, that to help me stay sane and to stop worrying about EVERYTHING, I need to find small creative outlets in my day to help tame my anxieties. So while my own time is limited and I probably can’t actually create my own work, at least I can build some positivity and inspiration in my day – whether I do it with my kids or own my own, it is all good!

So last week with my kids we did a few arty/crafty activities after the normal school work was done: Matisse inspired cutout pictures, Andy Warhol inspired portraits, wooden bead figures, dream catchers, a lego night-light and tiny kokeshi dolls. Just overseeing these creative activities with my kids, using art materials that I already had laying around, and not having an expectations, just filled my heart with so much joy and gave me such a boost – and the kids loved it too! Of course they would much rather Fun-Mum than Grumpy-Mum!

What have you been up to while you’re at home? What are you doing to help tame your stresses? Let me know, I would love to hear.

I thought I would share some links which are helpful to me in finding fun and creative inspiration for me and the kids! Maybe there is something there that you may enjoy too.

Tate Kids – art activities and learning
MOMA learning – learning about art
Te Papa – Whanua Challenges (Create a Rainbow & Name Portrait especially)
Lockdown Diary – download and print a lockdown diary
National Gallery of Victoria – NGV Kids at Home

Hope you find a little inspo here, i’ll check back in soon! Take care, Kels x